Understanding Xecurity
It takes considerable time and enormous costs for an organization to establish an information security department and cultivate information security specialists. And most business owners are not willing to invest in information security considering the difficulty to recruit talented people. Our suggestion: leave it to the professionals. Let a professional team take care of your organization's information security and maximize the benefits of the resources invested. Your organization can save more costs and equip with more effective defenses.
Penetration Testing (PT) is a security testing service provided by an independent third-party professional information security team to an organization. The team performs security attacks on the organization’s software and hardware, including websites, information systems and other equipment by imitating hacker’s mindset within the organization’s boundary agreed beforehand. The goal of this service is to locate underlying vulnerabilities and validate whether the organization’s data and equipment are secure against theft or destruction. Additionally, the overall architecture of information systems and hardware are also assessed for possible security improvement.
Yes, our Mobile Application Testing will follow OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide and provide a in-depth testing report which aligns with OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard.
Xecurity consulting service is a long-term collaboration between Xecurity and organizations to defend hacker attacks with our own expertise which parallels with hackers. Our service includes regular penetration testing, security training, security breach notification, as well as Internet and phone consulting.
Hacker attacks are pervasive and infectious, like real-life viruses. The threat is imminent and persistent. Penetration testing, on the other hand, is like a health examination. If the organizations can regularly perform in-depth information security health checks, their security architecture weaknesses could be minimized, and be granted with greater chance of survival facing various attacks in the future.
Our penetration testing service items consists of three major dimensions, network scan, vulnerability scan, and penetration test. These items meet the international standards as follows:
- OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)OWASP Testing Guide Version 4
- OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual)